Who said that you have to to spend a fortune to be stylish? There are so many women out there, who cannot afford to get a Chanel bag and that’s fine. Or maybe they prefer to invest their money in something else. Well, I am not here to judge anyone but just let me tell you my personal story.
In the past, I was that kind of woman who was really craving for all these luxury brands and could never afford them. To be honest, there were so many times in my life that I nearly bought a “fake” one, just to have the honour to hold a statement bag. I believed that luxury’ meant ‘exclusive’ and even though I could not aim for “premium” luxury goods, I was still thinking that they were reflecting your personality.
But then, I started to realise how pathetic this is. Trying to be someone else, spending so much energy on such minor things and feel disappointed at the end, just because you cannot have them.
As I was growing up, I developed a far more mature way of thinking, which led me to change my mindset and I finally decided that:
It’s not the bags and the shoes that will add value to yourself. It is just you. Your personality, your ethics, your way of thinking, your style, your kind of uniqueness.
You can build your own style and be really gorgeous without spending a fortune. There are plenty of accessible brands out there which you can choose from and build your own stylish wardrobe.
Charles and Keith is one of those brands. They sell ‘affordable’ luxury which is actually the fashion phenomenon of our time. They are aiming not high, but wide and they respond to your demand for luxury.
They are stylish and fashion-forward, they are accessible and they allow you to express your freely through fashion. I explored the new Spring/Summer 2018 collection last night at Mercato Mall, in Dubai and here are some of the best trends for this upcoming Summer 2018!
Special thanks to Khalid Shahin for his artistic touch and his calligraphic style!
Watch the video and let me know whether you like their new collection! My best ever are their sunglasses! Enjoy!
Take care and always remember
Living well is a choice